
Understanding the Internet: History, Benefits and Negative Impacts

apa itu internet

Understanding the Internet – In this modern era, the internet has almost become everyone’s primary need. Not only teenagers, but parents and even children use the internet a lot.

Whether it’s for communicating, shopping, using social media, playing games, or for other purposes. The existence of the internet makes it easy for every individual to carry out daily activities. So it is not surprising that the need continues to increase. But do you know what the internet actually means? If not, then read the following review to find out more about the internet.

Understanding the Internet

pengertian internetThe internet is a network that functions to connect one electronic media to other media. This communication network will transfer data precisely and quickly over a certain frequency. The global standard for internet use itself uses the Internet Protocol or Transmission Control Protocol (IP/TCP).

If you don’t know, this term is a form of packet exchange protocol, which has been used globally. Then, the process of connecting the internet network is called internetworking. The definition of the internet was explained by one IT expert, Onno W Purbo, as a medium used to streamline the communication process using applications. Meanwhile, here is the definition of the internet from several other experts:

1. According to Allan (2005) 

According to Allan, the internet is a collection of computer networks connected to each other, which can read and implement various communication protocols or what are commonly known as IP and TCP. Still according to Allan, the protocol is a simple specification of how computers connect to each other and interact.

2. According to Turban, Potter, dan Rainer (2005) 

Furthermore, according to Turban, Potter, and Rainer, the internet is a large network that can connect computers. Starting from quickly connecting networks between school organizations, government, business and other institutions.

3. According to Harjono (2009) 

The next definition of the internet was conveyed by Harjono, which is defined as a collection of several computers, possibly even thousands of computers in the world that are interconnected and connected to each other. To connect these computers, a medium is needed, such as cable, satellite, optical fiber, or telephone connection. With this media, each computer can interact with one another.

4. According to Sarwono (2012) 

According to Sarwono, the internet is a collection of networks on a global scale. Initially, the internet was only used in the military realm, but now the internet is used by the general public. Everyone can easily operate it. And according to Sarwono, no one is responsible for using the internet.

5. According to Supriyanto (2006) 

Fifth, according to Supriyanto, the internet is a connection between several computers via a network that exists in the world and has an operating system with different applications. This connection can occur by using a telephone or satellite that uses standard communication protocols.

6. According to Sibero (2011) 

Furthermore, according to Sibero, the internet is an Interconnected Network, namely a computer network that connects computers globally. The internet is able to work because of computer networks, both local networks and networks with a wider global reach. Apart from that, the internet also uses the same communication protocol, namely IP or TCP.

7. According to Berners Lee

Then according to Berners Lee, the internet is a network that has several networks in it. Berners Lee’s concept can be interpreted as the existence of a local computer network that is connected to other networks.

8. According to O’Brien

According to O’Brien, the internet is a computer network that is growing rapidly. Where the existence and development of the internet itself can have a positive impact on various areas of life, such as business, education, government and other fields.

History and Development of the Internet in the World

sejarah internetThe internet has quite a long history. In 1960, the United States Department of Defense created a network which was later named ARPANET through the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).

Later, ARPANET was the forerunner to the emergence of the internet network. Then, around the 1980s, network technology was used by several campuses, although it was still very limited and only used by a few groups.

The IP or TCP standard protocol was only published in 1982. Then in 1986, the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) was founded. NSFNET is what emerged as a replacement for ARPANET in accommodating research and research in America. After several years, namely around 1990, ARPANET was taken down.

Instead, CERN introduced a new service called the World Wide Web (WWW). Until 1993, Internic began to be developed, whose function was to register domain names from the public. Then in Indonesia, the internet started to arrive around 1994. In that year, people working in the IT field began to introduce the internet to the public.

Since the discovery of the network, the internet began to develop. The development of the internet has also experienced many significant changes, both in terms of coverage, speed, transmission and use. Coverage is more focused on the area that can use the internet.

Until now, many countries are still competing to try to fulfill and expand their reach using satellites. Because with satellites internet coverage can be expanded.

Then in the data packet transmission section, from year to year it also continues to change. Current data transmission is certainly different compared to previous years. In accordance with the concept and understanding of the internet, as well as the support of increasingly modern technology, internet data packet transmission is getting better.

Likewise with the speed section. Various technology industries are now trying to continue developing networks. From the initial 2G, 3G, 4G, to the newest one now, namely 5G. The greater the internet network technology that you want to use, of course the resources you need are quite large for the country.

Internet use also continues to develop. In fact, you could say that the development of the internet to meet people’s daily needs continues to change. Starting from changes in information, communication, and the devices used. In the past, the internet was only used by the military. However, nowadays, with the increasing use of the internet, people can use it personally.

Almost every job today requires the internet as part of the work process. Not only in the realm of work, the internet has also penetrated into other fields, such as politics, economics, information, education, communication, and many other fields. As the internet develops, its scope and uses will spread to more areas of life.

Benefits of the Internet for Everyday Life

The internet makes it easy for everyone to do many things. Not only children, but various groups are also greatly helped by the existence of the internet. The internet has entered various domains of life, and provided benefits in them. So what are the benefits of the internet that can be obtained in various areas of life? Here’s the answer:

1. Benefits in the field of education

The internet really helps students’ activities in the realm of education. Not only students who have studied at tertiary institutions, but those who are still at elementary, middle and high school levels are also greatly helped by the internet.

Likewise for those who do not go to school and choose home schooling in their respective homes. There are many things that can be obtained via the internet as a means of learning. Every child or student can access millions of information via the internet. So it really helps them in developing the knowledge they have.

Apart from that, through the internet everyone can also develop their own skills. Through the many features that can be accessed on the internet, they can search for and continue to develop their skills.

With a good and fast network, you can discover various new things. So it will be very easy for anyone to access and test the skills they have. The search and audio visual features will really help you to learn about anything in this world.

2. Benefits in the health sector

In the health sector, the internet also provides many benefits. You can access health information with the help of a computer network. In fact, this health information is very common, so you have to be careful when looking for this information.

With the internet, it becomes easier for people to interact with doctors. Several websites now offer online health consultations with doctors who are experts in certain health fields. Also via the internet, you can access various things to maintain your health, starting from a healthy lifestyle, how to manage your health, foods that are good to consume or avoid, hospital recommendations, and many others.

3. Benefits in the business sector

Then in the business sector, the internet also makes it easier for business people to achieve financial profits. For entrepreneurs, you can create a business website, e-commerce, creative industry, or startup business. What is also important to note is that when you decide to use the internet for business activities, your reach will be much wider. That way, it will also be easier for the business to develop.

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4. Benefits in the field of information communication

Furthermore, the benefits of the internet can also be obtained in the fields of communication and information. By now, of course you have felt how easy it is to communicate with other people who are quite far away. Communication, whether via audio, visual or audio-visual, is now very easy to do. You can see and know the condition of other people who are far from reach. This shows the rapid development of communication with the internet.

Likewise in the information sector, where everyone can access millions of information through search engines on the internet. Any information is available there, and you can get it with just one click.

In fact, information from other countries that are very far away can be enjoyed in a matter of minutes. This is in accordance with the definition of the internet, where electronic media in the 21st century can provide faster network access and wider reach.

The development of the internet has also provided a variety of reading books via eBooks. The advantage of eBooks is that readers can read anywhere via cellphone or tablet, save paper usage, downloaded books are stored in the cloud, and reading is more practical and efficient.

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5. Benefits in the social and entertainment fields

Another important thing that really benefits from the internet is that it is easy for everyone to get entertainment. There are many platforms that provide opportunities for anyone to socialize on media and get entertainment.

The presence of social media apart from making it easy for everyone to interact with each other also provides access to entertainment. Whether it’s by looking at funny photos or millions of videos that you can choose yourself. With easy access, everyone can get entertainment anytime and anywhere.

Negative Impact of the Internet

dampak negatif internetThe emergence of the internet in society certainly provides a breath of fresh air. Because various domains of life and community activities become easier to carry out. However, without proper control, the internet can become a disaster. So what are the negative impacts of the internet that need to be avoided? Here’s the review:

1. The rise of hate speech

The internet makes it easy for everyone to share information. This also includes giving criticism to anyone via social media. Through the media, there are still many people who misuse it to express various hate speech.

Of course, because there is no filter on the internet regarding hate speech, it makes it very easy for everyone, especially public figures, to receive harsh comments and criticism that tend to hurt their hearts.

Therefore, when looking for information, it is highly recommended to be clever in selecting and sorting. Don’t let the information you consume contain fake news and hate speech.

2. Lots of illegal content

The second negative impact is the emergence of a lot of illegal content. Video content is the most dangerous. Because many videos containing inappropriate things are also starting to be produced. Whether it contains immoral acts, crimes, or pornographic videos that are not child-friendly. The ease of spreading various content means that every adult needs to control children who use the internet.

Because without control from adults, children will find it easier to access anything. Once they encounter inappropriate content, they will continue to receive similar recommendations. Direction from parents to children is also very important. So that children can get positive benefits from the existence of the internet.

3. The emergence of cyber crime

The final negative impact is the emergence of cyber crime. The easier it is for everyone to share anything, the easier it is for other people to comment and express opinions. However, not everything said in the media can be accepted by everyone.

So it is very possible for every internet user, especially those who use social media, to receive negative criticism for what they upload. Not only in the media realm, cyber crime has also spread to the many frauds committed online.

Apart from that, there are also other crimes such as hacking, cracking and spamming. Therefore, the internet, which has provided convenience and benefits, needs to be used better. So that this convenience really has a positive impact, not a negative impact.

So, that’s the definition of the internet and its ins and outs. Starting from the understanding of experts, its history, development, benefits, and also the negative impacts obtained by using the internet. Without a good filter, the internet can bring disaster to its users.

Sumber : https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/internet/



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